
How to be a successful English Teacher at Junior High School

Last Class, Mr.Maruhashi came to our class and I could learn a lot of things.
First,Mr.Maruhashi asked us what is teacher's job. He began with the sudden question.
That question is fundamental,so important, and no right answer as he said. There is no right answer, so I think that we could have my opinion easily.After he attended to our opinion, he stated his opinion.
I think the point here is that a teacher doing question to attract a student by introductory and that question should be easily to think and have many

Second, he let us think about Junior High School, Junior High School Student,and Junior High School Teacher.We think about it in group.In group, I can tell group members my opinion easily.Next, he explained about our image of Junior High School.I think we could listen his explain carefully because the explain is about our image.

Last,he let us think about English class in group.And he asked us what do we think.

Upper sentence is what compiled the guidance of Mr.Maruhashi roughly.
In this way,he took a lot of time to let students think.I think it is very important point to teach something.
I think there is a lot of teachers talk alone and they think it is natural that students learn from they stated.
In my opinion,the most important thing in class is what students want to know.

I think that teaching something is so difficult.I want to make use of what I learn from Mr.maruhashi.